1.The set Z = { . . .,n, . . .,−1, 0, 1, . . . , n, . . .}of integers is an abelian group under addition, with identity element 0. However, Z ∗ = Z − {0} is not a group under multiplication.
2.The set Q of rational numbers (fractions p/q with p, q ∈ Z and q ≠ 0) is an abelian group under addition, with identity element 0. The set Q∗ = Q− {0} is also an abelian group under multiplication, with identity element 1.
3.Given any nonempty set S, the set of bijections f : S → S, also called permutations of S, is a group under function composition (i.e., the multiplication of f and g is the composition g ◦ f), with identity element the identity function idS. This group is not abelian as soon as S has more than two elements. The permutation group of the set S = {1, . . . , n} is often denoted Gn and called the symmetric group on n elements.
4.For any positive integer p ∈ N, define a relation on Z, denoted m ≡ n (mod p), as follows:
m ≡ n (mod p) iff m − n = kp for some k ∈ Z.
The reader will easily check that this is an equivalence relation, and, moreover, it is compatible with respect to addition and multiplication, which means that if m1 ≡ n1 (mod p) and m2 ≡ n2 (mod p), then m1 + m2 ≡ n1 + n2 (mod p) and m1m2 ≡ n1n2 (mod p). Consequently, we can define an addition operation and a multiplication operation of the set of equivalence classes (mod p):
[m] + [n] = [m + n]
[m] · [n] = [mn].
The reader will easily check that addition of residue classes (mod p) induces an abelian group structure with [0] as zero. This group is denoted Z/pZ.
5.The set of n×n invertible matrices with real (or complex) coefficients is a group under matrix multiplication, with identity element the identity matrix In. This group is called the general linear group and is usually denoted by GL(n, R) (or GL(n, C)).
6.The set of n × n invertible matrices A with real (or complex) coefficients such that det(A) = 1 is a group under matrix multiplication, with identity element the identity matrix In. This group is called the special linear group and is usually denoted by SL(n, R) (or SL(n, C)).
7.The set of n × n matrices Q with real coefficients such that
QQT = Q T Q = In is a group under matrix multiplication, with identity element the identity matrix In; we have Q−1 = QT . This group is called the orthogonal group and is usually denotedby O(n).
8.The set of n × n invertible matrices Q with real coefficients such that
QQT = Q T Q = In and det(Q) = 1
is a group under matrix multiplication, with identity element the identity matrix In; as in (6), we have Q−1 = QT . This group is called the special orthogonal group or rotation group and is usually denoted by SO(n).
The groups in (5)–(8) are nonabelian for n ≥ 2, except for SO(2) which is abelian (but O(2)is not abelian).
It is customary to denote the operation of an abelian group G by +, in which case the inverse a −1 of an element a ∈ G is denoted by −a.
The identity element of a group is unique. In fact, we can prove a more general fact: